Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Little Family

I promised that I would introduce you all to my family. Here is a most recent picture of us. My dear husband B and my dear son Little B. Hope you all are doing great. I am currently working on a new post for you. Going to try and include a few weight watcher recipes as well. So till then.

In Christ,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What does True Love mean to you?

Happy Valentine's Week Everyone!!

I thought since Valentine's Day is fast approaching that Love would be an appropriate topic of discussion. Here is a questions for you to ponder on.. What is True Love?

Your first thoughts might be those mushy feelings you have you start dating someone and just really hit off with them? Some might call it "Puppy Love", we have all been thru this at least once in our lives. Another example might be the feeling when you see your child for the first time after being born. WOW!! What a feeling! That is a moment that will forever be engraved in a person's heart, and you never know how you could love a little person so much. A child might consider getting a gift an outward showing of love to them. All these examples are so true and a form of Love.

The Love that I am wanting to talk about is the kind of Love that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has for us and showed us when He died on the cross for our sins. The first verse that comes to my mind when I think of Christ's love is that ever so famous one:

 John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God sent his only Son Jesus to be a sacrifice for ALL of our sins. You know all we have to do is accept him as our Lord and Savior? How simple is that. We just have to believe on him, and ask him to forgive us for our sins, and you know what? He will! He will save you, he will save, he will save you now! 
I know with Valentine's day we all like gifts, flowers, chocolates and things of that nature. Those are nice and all, and I am like all of you and enjoy these things as well don't get me wrong. But when I think of God and his Love and know that God is Love.  I think of this verse too.
1John 4:16 - And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
So the next time you think of the term Love, think of Christ who Loved you so much that he died for you and for me. Could you lay down your life for one person much less the whole world? Now that is what I call True Love.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, Please do so, this will be a decision in your life that you will never ever regret. You don't have to go to a Preacher, or anyone to do this, you just have to come to Jesus, and ask him to into your heart and repent of your sins. Its that simple.   

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Struggles? Yeah... We all have them.

Let me ask you a question...

Do you have a struggle that you are dealing with? I bet your answer is yes. I think most if not all of us do. Its part of being human I think. I am going to share with you all this week about a couple of my struggles that work against me on my weight loss journey.

1.) I am a HUGE HUGE emotional eater.

2.) I hate to exercise.. so lacking in movement.

3.) Drinking all my daily water.

I would like to take each of these and dissect them and maybe me discussing all this with you all it will help me get a hold of these struggles.

So on the first struggle, emotional eating. It is something that I have dealt with my whole life, even as I was younger. Plus being from a good ol' Southern family that loves food doesn't help, and also being a die hard member of the Clean Your Plate Club. (Who's with me?? haha) So what I have learned to help me with this, I haven't perfected it, but I do try is to play a game with my brain. When I am upset, or happy and want a HUGE slice of that oh so yummy chocolate cake, or a big ol' bowl of that delish ice cream with all the fixings.. I ask myself, is it really worth all those calories? If I do eat it is it really going to make those feelings go away or make me happier? Is there a healthier substitute that would be a better choice? I also try and drink a glass of water and wait about 10-15 mins to see if that craving is still there too, and if it is and I can't shake it with some of these questions then I will have a small piece or a small scoop of whatever it was that I wanted. I have learned that if you feel deprived or if you do deprive yourself that it just makes it worse and you are more likely to fall off the wagon and do way more harm then giving in a having a small bit of what your wanting.

Onto the second struggle, exercise.. Ewww is so what I think. lol. But when I have exercised before I do enjoy it. Its just the thought, so here we are again with those questions and brain games right? Right.. So I am the queen of talking myself out of exercising for some crazy reason. I will get all psyched and pumped about getting my work out on, then by the time I get home I am like.. Oh I will try tomorrow.. and then tomorrow NEVER seems to come.. ugh. So then I get mad and upset at no one else but myself and then goes the emotional eating again. See how all this works together yet against me when I let it win?? Very very frustrating I tell ya. So last night we talked about moving and exercise at our weekly Weight Watcher meeting and for this next week we are supposed to keep up with our exercise and to get started moving. So tonight I am going to exercise in some form NO MATTER WHAT! I will be held accountable. So maybe this is the break thru that I needed to get myself moving, because I know that I need to and when I don't I am doing nothing but hurting myself.

Water oh Water how you are not my friend.. lol. Do you any of you feel that way too? I mean when its hot outside I do crave a glass or when I eat something salty and then you thirst for a nice big glass of ice cold water! I know we are supposed to have at least 6-8 8oz glasses a day or more if we can. But goodness I feel like I am drowning if I do. But now they say that if you eat lots of fruits and veggies they count as part of your water?? Hey hey! Good thing. But still, I know I need to be drinking lots more water then I do. So I have been trying to make it more appealing, by putting it in a nice purple cup (since purple is my favorite color) b/c they say if you put it in a pretty cup you are more likely to drink it? Hmm well it doesn't always work for me, but maybe it does for you. Then I try adding a lemon slice to it, that is nice once in a while, or maybe some of that water enhancers that you can buy. So these are nice and do help, but I would much rather have a nice big ice cold soda. Since about a month ago, I have cut out all sodas, even diet ones b/c they are still full of not good things for our bodies. So I have been drinking coffee on occasion, un-sweet tea or with Splenda, and water. Trying to kick this I don't like water thing that is in my head to the curb.

So now it is your turn to comment below and tell me some of your struggles with your weight loss journey or a struggle with anything. I look forward to hear from you all.