Monday, July 1, 2013

Deepest Apologies!

Hello Fellow Followers,

I am so sorry that I went MIA on you. It wasn't my intent at all I assure you. Life has gotten a little chaotic I guess you could say. First it was getting the Little B out of school for the summer, then baseball and all the stuff that goes along with it, and then football came, and this past week music camp and also Vacation Bible School at our Church. Whew. I am whooped to say the least. 

Update:  I am still doing WW and on track, didn't have such a great week this week due to VBS, we had to eat there, and it wasn't always the healthiest, but I did try to do my best. Looking forward to getting back on track and to stay there and not have to deviate from it at all! Really struggling in the exercise side of things tho, I was doing so great upto the Women Run/Walk Clinic 5K, then after it seems like I have just given up. Not a good thing at all I know. Then the heat has been awful here to with the horrible humidity and not being use to it. This week it is so gorgeous and I am planning on walking almost everyday. This weight isn't going to come off by its self even though that would the most amazing thing in the world right? LOL We can only wish. 

Anyways, I do have a question. Do any of you do clean eating or watch for GMOs or have a plan where you are trying to go organic only? I am wanting to know what works best for you, there is so much in the foods and drinks that we have these days that it is so scary to me, I want to go healthy for my family and give them the most nutritional and healthy things that are possible. Please leave a comment and let me know what works for you and yours or maybe some tips on how to get the ball rolling in that direction of clean meals and foods. I am open to any and all advice on the subject. 

This is my promise to each of you, you will be hearing from me more frequently now that my life is slowing down a bit and I can breathe, I have missed writing to you. This helps me get things out of my head. Hope you all have a wonderful and very blessed Monday! 

In Christ,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

If I had a Bucket List...

Hey There My Followers!

Me heading out to travel to the 5K
I wanted to give you all an update on something I told y'all about a little while back! Remember me telling you all that I was training for my 1st EVER 5K? So if I had a bucket list (which I don't) Completing my first ever 5K would so be on it. Well it was Mother's Day weekend, and boy did the Lord bless us that day with some AMAZING weather! He is so awesome to us isn't he?? OH YES!!

Searcy Women Run/Walk Clinic 2013
Well, I was so nervous and so excited about this event, I could hardly sleep. I wasn't sure what it was going to be like, and if you know me then you know I like to know about things ahead of time. Lol. Well there wasn't a way of doing that, so I flew by the seat of my pants i mean capri shorts. Lol  When we first got there we go and find my Crew from the Searcy Women's Run/Walk Clinic then we chat and get geared up to do this thang!

Before the Race started, Look at all these Women!!
When it was finally time to line up, my nerves turned off, and the emotions were on full force let me tell you. I stood there with 900 something other women that were there for either their first time, or returning time from years previous. It was amazing, and it brought tears to my eyes, I had made it there and it had been an amazing 10 week journey. I have made some of the most awesome friends, and support group along the way as well. Your hearing from a lady who could barely walk a mile to doing 3 miles in an hour by the end of week 10. WhoooHooo now that is something to get excited about. Along the 3 mile journey there was supporters along the way that were cheering for us runners/walkers. Tell you that you can do it, you got this, not much further, don't give up now! How inspiring! My Leader and another dear sweet friend came back to help/join me after they had finished the running part. It was so amazing to get to finish with these two ladies, and just them coming back after they had already completed was just so sweet and just gave me that extra push I needed.

Crossing the Finish Line!!! :-)
My Goal this year was to just finish. That was it. Well I DID FINISH and guess what??? It was one of my best times too. I finished not last, and I beat my time from clinic with 1 hours 2 mins and 28 seconds. Previous in clinic it had been running around 1 hour and 6-10 mins. So I was super stoked about that too. At the finish line there is this boom booming music and you see all these great people yelling and cheering for you, it makes you feel like you could just sprint to the end! It was so so so awesome!! Did I say that it was AWESOME!!! I can't wait till next year to do this again. My Leader has already told me that next year I am running it. :-) So we shall see. I told her that I would try.
My Awesome Leader and Me.

I want to hear from you all! Y'all are just way to quiet I tell you. Tell me about your 1st 5K experience, or are you currently training to run/walk one? Let me know I would love to hear about it!  Have a wonderful and very very blessed day my Friends.
Me with my own personal Cheering Section. Hubby and Little B.

In Christ,

Monday, May 20, 2013

One VERY Proud Momma!!

Hello fellow followers!

There has been so much going on, and I do intend on blogging about it all just might take me a few days. But today I just wanted to share with you some wonderful and very blessed news about my Son "Little b"

Back on April 28, 2013 my sweet, precious, baby boy accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. This has been a prayer on my hubby and my heart for sometime now, how does the Lord know how to answer prayers or what!!

What makes this even more an amazing and awesome day is that his Daddy is the Pastor of the Church we go to, and he got to led "Little b" thru the Scriptures and be a huge part of this day. I think that is just so awesome, kinda like me, it was my Sweet Granny that helped lead me thru the scriptures. The Lord had laid it on her heart to share them with me, and little did she know the Lord had already been dealing with my heart and I accepted Jesus as my Savior that Saturday afternoon in her living room in her house!

Here is a Pic of my Sweet Boy and His Daddy on this most awesome day of His life, this day was a Life Changing experience for him. Now he knows 100% he is going to Heaven when he passes on.

Thank you Jesus for your Answered Prayers and in Your timing not mine!!

Do you know Jesus as your Savior? I would Love to hear about how you got saved, and how the Lord dealt with you. If you do not know Jesus, I would also love to help you and show you thru the scriptures of the Bible and pray with you that the Lord would lead you to be saved to! Don't wait until its to late to make this decision. 

In Christ,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stuck in a Rut?

Hey Hey Hey Everyone!

Sorry its been a bit since I have written to you all. I like to write when I am feeling led to write, or when I have something on my mind. I guess you can say that I like to write when I feel it has a purpose.

Do you or have you had that Stuck in a Rut feeling? Well it seems like I have been there this past week. It was so bad, that I decided to skip my WW meeting yesterday. I know I know someone needs to slap my hand for not going, but I knew that I had gained and didn't wanna face reality. I haven't done well this week on program at all, and I didn't wanna go just wasn't in the mood. Have any of you ever been there or know what I am talking about?

So I made a pack with a dear friend and fellow WW buddy of mine, she to wasn't feeling it. So instead we both went and worked out. I went and walked and she went on to the gym, so I didn't go and eat myself silly and have self pity like I normally would. It was such a beautiful day to enjoy some walking too. So please don't think that I am quitting, or getting way off track b/c I am not at all. I assure you. That is the LAST thing that is on my mind. My WW buddy said it like this, we are just taking a Mental Health Day. A day to get out mind right, and back to our goals. I think everyone needs to have a day like that don't you?

So today being Tuesday I have tracked everything I have put in my mouth so far, and this afternoon I have my Women Run/Walk Clinic and plan on doing my 3 miles of walking. So see back on plan.

What I have been struggling most with is planning out my meals. I have joined/signed up for a couple WW meal plans thru some great websites and they do help a whole lot, but my struggle is finding the timed to get it all cooked and ready. Let me explain why and please do not think that I am whining b/c I am so not I love my life and my family and I wouldn't change it for the world, but it does become stressful at times. My sweet boy is now practicing baseball on Mondays and Thursdays, and we have Church on Sundays and Wednesdays and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my walk/run clinic. So by the time all that gets done on these days Its close to 9 or so when we get home leaving not much if any time to cook, and if so then it is just way to late. So I am trying to find a happy medium and still have time to have healthy things, but quick grab and go things and not have to resort to eating out daily, b/c that isn't good on the wallet or the waistline.  So I as venting to my WW buddy on groupme yesterday about this and she told me, go back to basics, have salad on hand, and cook up some chicken and have a veggie on the side. I was like well duh M!! Why didn't you think of that?? It was a obvious yet simple solution too. So I am trying that this week we shall see how it goes!

Also here is a current picture of me, I took this to be accountable and to look at this often b/c I will not, I repeat, I will not be going back to this EVER!! That is a promise. It took a whole lot of courage and guts to post this picture of me. I don't like full length pictures of me at all.. so this was a must do. Here it is.

So what are some of your struggles with this, or go to simple quick meals? I would love to hear from you don't be shy!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

To be an Inspiration??

Hello From the Natural State :-)


What a week we have had here, first of all I gained a pound in my WW weight in on Monday night, but like I have told some of my friends. I am very content with that, b/c I didn't stay on program like I needed to, and ate out more then I had planned and didn't have a plan when I went there. So 1 pound was way better then the 4 I had planned on gaining. This week I am just Praying for a much much better week. I have stayed on plan, exercised all but 1 day so far, and planning to exercise and stay on plan during the weekend too! So how is your week going???


What do you think of when you think of someone that is an inspiration? The word inspiration in the merriam-webster dictionary online says this:

Definition of INSPIRATION

1 a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation

b : the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

c : the act of influencing or suggesting opinions


Whoa!! Say what now?? That is way deep! To me to be an inspiration is to look up to and maybe admire someone for the way that they are, or things that they do, kinda like an encouragement. I know your probably all wondering why on earth am I discussing this topic with you all today.


Well just let me share this story with you. It all started yesterday at my Women Run/Walk Clinic that I go to on Tues and Thursday (Preparing for a 5K in May WhooHoo!!) well I am normally the last one done which means that I am the last to leave there which is fine with me I just do my thing as I told our Trainer yesterday. Lol. If you know me you know that I am over weight, but working on my weight loss journey, I am at that turning point in my life where I am trying to find me, and do what is best for me and have a healthy life and lifestyle and have that go over to my Son Little B. I don't want him to have to go thru all that I have in my life and my struggles with being "obese" its not worth it and I don't want it to rob him of his Childhood years.  So when a dear friend told me about this clinic and 5k. I was like okay, I will think about it, well it was on my mind a whole and who can turn down a free clinic with a trainer?? Yeah exactly. Plus if I was to have a bucket list I think finishing a 5K would be on it. This year I am just going to walk it, but maybe by next year I can run it, that will be my goal and a work in progress. So there was my motivation to start this clinic. Well we are well into half of the 10 week program. I have went Faithfully every week, except for 1 day when it was freezing and raining didn't want to take a chance on getting sick. There are other that walk and work out at the track too at the local University.


While I was walking my 3 miles yesterday I had noticed some runners and this one in particular I wanted to speak to and say Hi and let him know he was very inspiring to me, just watching how fast he was running and stuff was very cool to me. I was thinking that would be awesome to be able to do one day. So that kept triggering in my head, but I never got a chance to speak with him he was running normally when I would anywhere in his direction. So I just let it go. There was these two ladies that were walking also and had passed me going around one of my laps and I didn't think anything about it, just kept on doing my thing. Well I was down to my last lap and was finishing my 3rd mile and went over by the railing to stretch a little before heading home. I was saving my workout on my phone, and  here comes up these two ladies that I just spoke about and they startled me at first b/c I didn't know them, or what they wanted. So they say to me, "Hey we have been seeing you out here every time were here, and wanted to tell you that you are an Inspiration to us!" They went on to introduce themselves to me and stuff, and I was like Whoa!! Me?? I really think they have the wrong person. Lol. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't take compliments very well, I am nice and say Thank you and go on, but its a mental thing I guess who knows. After they had left and I went on to my house, I was just thinking about what they had told me. So I texted and shared this with some dear friends of mine, and my DH when I got home. They were all telling me the same thing and that I was an Inspiration to them as well. My sister C, she told me, "Awwww Sis that is so so awesome!!! I'm proud of you!! & you are really an inspiration to me!!", I was just in awe of that from her. It was just all confirmation from the Lord on things that I needed to know and be lifted up, and since I wasn't listening to Him he has used all these others to speak to me.


The Lord is just so amazing to me, and I don't deserve his Love, but I am oh so Thankful for it! I hope this has helped you in someway, maybe I was suppose to tell you this so you could tell someone that they are an inspiration to you? Has something similar happened to you before? Share it with me leave me a comment or a message I would love to hear it! I hope you have a wonderful oh so Blessed week and weekend!


In Christ!,






Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Sunday with Family

My Parents and dear sister surprised me by coming to Church with us. Such a wonderful and blessed day we all had, I have included a few pics from our day. Enjoy!

Have a Blessed Day

In Christ,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Excited like a Kid in a Candy Store!!

Have you ever been so excited it takes you back to that feeling when you were a child and got to go to the candy store and looking around at all these wonderful delectable candies you could choose from??  Meeeeee Tooooo!! (Oh to be a kid again!) :-)

I am not sure if I have gotten to share with you a whole lot about My Family and Church. Well My DH (aka Dear Hubby) is a Pastor at a Little Country Baptist Church in El Paso, Arkansas. Never once did I EVER EVER see myself as a Pastor's Wife let me tell you. That just proves more and more that it is the work of none other then the Good Lord Himself working thru us. So let me catch you up and fill you in on some of my Spiritual Life.

This how the story begins......

The Lord brought us to Royal Hill over a year ago to help and fill in while they were searching for the Pastor the Lord would lead to them. In the beginning DH and I didn't feel lead to take the Church.. but about 6+ months ago, the Lord did some dealing on my DH's heart and showed him that was where He wanted us to be, wow!! At first I had some mixed emotions, I was going to be leaving some really good friends at our then Home Church. But the Lord later comforted me and showed me, where my place was and it was at Royal Hill Baptist Church in El Paso, Arkansas. Whoa.. I was so not so sure, but I never doubted the Lord and his work in this matter tho, b/c the Lord has NEVER EVER let us down or never let us fall. So we are now Pastor and Pastor's Wife of this amazing little Country Church. At first it was just 3-5 of us and then the Lord has lead some others there, and now we are upto close to 12 every Sunday. Praise the Lord!!! He is so Awesome!! Such an answer to prayers, b/c back a year ago this little church was thinking their doors might have to be shut... but they knew the Lord would see them thru . You know what He did too. Opps I am spoiling the story.. Let me continue on. :-)  (can you tell that I am excited to tell you more?? )

When we first started Pastoring Royal Hill the only service we had was Preaching, then on down the road a few months the Lord opened up Sunday School, we had a Children's Class and an Adult class. It was also an answer to Prayer as well. Then about 3 or so months ago the Lord opened up Sunday night service. Do you see a pattern here?

Well since all that we have been in Prayer about Wed night Services too. You know what the Lord had really burdened our hearts for this too. We had a business meeting a week ago Sunday and this was one of the topics of business. You know what the Lord did??

You guessed it!!! He allowed the Wed Night Services to be opened up. So last night we had our very first Wed Night Service. We had a Kids Class and also a Adult class. It was such a wonderful and oh so blessed time.

The Lord is so mighty and so true and as long as we continue to put Him first the Lord is going to continue to bless us. I am so excited to share this wonderful news with you all this week! I have so been that,"Kid in the Candy Store" due to the excitement of the Work of the Lord!

Do you have a story of a time in your life when you had that "Kid in the Candy Store Excitement?" I would love to hear about what the Lord has done in your life as well! Share with me!

Till next time!

In Christ,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Frustration... and Discouragement.. Ugh!

Have you ever felt that you have given your all and did the right things and wind up falling on your face?

Yeah.. that so happened to me this past week at weigh in. I was so pumped and excited to get to Monday for weigh in because I just knew that I had lost this week. Boy was I wrong wrong wrong... a BIG FAT GAIN... 2.2lbs!!!! I was just so floored and so upset!! I did wind up staying for my meeting and sucking it up and not going and emotional eat due to being hurt and upset.  So when I did leave my meeting I just cried on the way home.. pathetic isn't it?? 

Well on Tuesday I was reflecting on what I had done and how I reacted to my Monday, and I had eaten within my points, and even exercised way more then normal, due to joining the WRWA Clinic. So I was talking with some of my Group Me friends and they are so wonderful and oh so encouraging and here is what they told me, "We Love you M and I know you can do this. You need to believe in yourself as much as we do.", "It's a bumpy road for all of us M :-) maintaining or losing your have hurdles but its getting back up and remembering the reason you chose to live a healthier lifestyle. We all love you and are here for you. Shake it off, it could just be water weight from increase in exercise, sodium, or that time of the month. :-) ) See why I just rave about them?? They so pepped me right up and helped me brush myself off and to be a bit blunt put my "Big Girl Panties back on!!" lol. This is a new week and I have been staying within my points as well! Also been exercising again, so I am looking forward to Monday's weigh in and ready to report back to you all.

I have came across on Pinterest this delish new recipe. You take 1 angel food cake mix and 1 sugar free apple pie filling and mix it together and back for 20-25 min or until done at 350 degrees. You talking about delish!!! Then Hubby and I shared a single serving cup of vanilla ice cream (divided it in half make only 50 calories) and warmed the cake up and put the ice cream on it.. divine I tell you. Its a must try!! Here is the link to my pinterest pin for this cake. I really hope you try it and let me know what you guys thought about it. You can also use any flavor of pie filling, I have tried lemon before and it tastes a whole lot like lemon bars and then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Yummmy!

I hope you all have a wonderful and very very blessed rest of the day and week! Send me some comments and let me know what you would be interested in hearing about next.. Thank you again for reading!!

In Christ,


Monday, March 4, 2013

Simple Pleasures are a MUST....

Do you enjoy the simple pleasures of Life? 

Like the beautiful spring flowers, or just a beautiful Sunny day? Those are two of my very very favorite things for when Spring comes around. The daffodils have been coming in full bloom around here and they have been just beautiful. Gets me so excited for the upcoming Spring. I can't wait.... What about you? 

But this week that isn't the simple pleasures that I am speaking of tho.. I am talking about those weight loss journey milestones and pleasures of doing something great on your journey. 

This week at my weigh in I love 3.4 lbs but that wasn't the most exciting part though, I got my 5% key chain! I have been working hard for it for the past 3 weeks. That was a simple pleasure and a HUGE milestone in my weight loss journey. Now my next task at hand is 25 lbs lost. I am not to far away from that goal either. 

I am just so happy and so proud of have some very wonderful people that support me in a way that I have never been supported while loosing. They keep me in check and also help me keep my spirits up and not down so I can't get discouraged. I have to brag about a very special little person that has helped me so much this week, he has been my "good angel" on my weight loss journey, when I wanted something I didn't need he would say, "Mom you have to weigh in on Monday!" Wow what some powerful words from a little person that struck me like a rock I tell ya. I am so very very blessed to have a son and a husband that support me and Love me no matter what but help encourage me in the right way even if I do wanna be bad. So Thank you Little B for Loving your Momma and helping her so much this week. It means more to me then you will ever know. Please keep up the good work. I love you so very much!!  

I know that I promised you guys some of my favorite recipes, but I thought until I get them all gathered and typed up that I could share with you all my "Getting Healthy Recipes" board on Pinterst. Here is the link, if you are on Pinterest please follow me. I hope that you guys enjoy some of these as much as I have. 

I also have a food find to share with you all this week to. A dear friend told me about these little jewels over the weekend, and boy oh boy are they awesome!! Here is a pic for you all. If you are a lover of almonds and chocolate then these are for you my friend..... AMAZING!! Also if you guys haven't tried these Cracker Chips.. oh my goodness they are so awesome too. I like this them much better then the "Baked" chips. Try them yourself and let me know what you think. 

What are some of your favorite WW recipes? Please comment below if you have a favorite tried and true person or family favorite. I am always looking for new and improved recipes. Or do you have some of those simple pleasures that I have spoken about tonight? 

I hope that you have a wonderful and very Blessed night. 

In Christ,

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Little Family

I promised that I would introduce you all to my family. Here is a most recent picture of us. My dear husband B and my dear son Little B. Hope you all are doing great. I am currently working on a new post for you. Going to try and include a few weight watcher recipes as well. So till then.

In Christ,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What does True Love mean to you?

Happy Valentine's Week Everyone!!

I thought since Valentine's Day is fast approaching that Love would be an appropriate topic of discussion. Here is a questions for you to ponder on.. What is True Love?

Your first thoughts might be those mushy feelings you have you start dating someone and just really hit off with them? Some might call it "Puppy Love", we have all been thru this at least once in our lives. Another example might be the feeling when you see your child for the first time after being born. WOW!! What a feeling! That is a moment that will forever be engraved in a person's heart, and you never know how you could love a little person so much. A child might consider getting a gift an outward showing of love to them. All these examples are so true and a form of Love.

The Love that I am wanting to talk about is the kind of Love that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has for us and showed us when He died on the cross for our sins. The first verse that comes to my mind when I think of Christ's love is that ever so famous one:

 John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God sent his only Son Jesus to be a sacrifice for ALL of our sins. You know all we have to do is accept him as our Lord and Savior? How simple is that. We just have to believe on him, and ask him to forgive us for our sins, and you know what? He will! He will save you, he will save, he will save you now! 
I know with Valentine's day we all like gifts, flowers, chocolates and things of that nature. Those are nice and all, and I am like all of you and enjoy these things as well don't get me wrong. But when I think of God and his Love and know that God is Love.  I think of this verse too.
1John 4:16 - And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
So the next time you think of the term Love, think of Christ who Loved you so much that he died for you and for me. Could you lay down your life for one person much less the whole world? Now that is what I call True Love.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, Please do so, this will be a decision in your life that you will never ever regret. You don't have to go to a Preacher, or anyone to do this, you just have to come to Jesus, and ask him to into your heart and repent of your sins. Its that simple.   

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Struggles? Yeah... We all have them.

Let me ask you a question...

Do you have a struggle that you are dealing with? I bet your answer is yes. I think most if not all of us do. Its part of being human I think. I am going to share with you all this week about a couple of my struggles that work against me on my weight loss journey.

1.) I am a HUGE HUGE emotional eater.

2.) I hate to exercise.. so lacking in movement.

3.) Drinking all my daily water.

I would like to take each of these and dissect them and maybe me discussing all this with you all it will help me get a hold of these struggles.

So on the first struggle, emotional eating. It is something that I have dealt with my whole life, even as I was younger. Plus being from a good ol' Southern family that loves food doesn't help, and also being a die hard member of the Clean Your Plate Club. (Who's with me?? haha) So what I have learned to help me with this, I haven't perfected it, but I do try is to play a game with my brain. When I am upset, or happy and want a HUGE slice of that oh so yummy chocolate cake, or a big ol' bowl of that delish ice cream with all the fixings.. I ask myself, is it really worth all those calories? If I do eat it is it really going to make those feelings go away or make me happier? Is there a healthier substitute that would be a better choice? I also try and drink a glass of water and wait about 10-15 mins to see if that craving is still there too, and if it is and I can't shake it with some of these questions then I will have a small piece or a small scoop of whatever it was that I wanted. I have learned that if you feel deprived or if you do deprive yourself that it just makes it worse and you are more likely to fall off the wagon and do way more harm then giving in a having a small bit of what your wanting.

Onto the second struggle, exercise.. Ewww is so what I think. lol. But when I have exercised before I do enjoy it. Its just the thought, so here we are again with those questions and brain games right? Right.. So I am the queen of talking myself out of exercising for some crazy reason. I will get all psyched and pumped about getting my work out on, then by the time I get home I am like.. Oh I will try tomorrow.. and then tomorrow NEVER seems to come.. ugh. So then I get mad and upset at no one else but myself and then goes the emotional eating again. See how all this works together yet against me when I let it win?? Very very frustrating I tell ya. So last night we talked about moving and exercise at our weekly Weight Watcher meeting and for this next week we are supposed to keep up with our exercise and to get started moving. So tonight I am going to exercise in some form NO MATTER WHAT! I will be held accountable. So maybe this is the break thru that I needed to get myself moving, because I know that I need to and when I don't I am doing nothing but hurting myself.

Water oh Water how you are not my friend.. lol. Do you any of you feel that way too? I mean when its hot outside I do crave a glass or when I eat something salty and then you thirst for a nice big glass of ice cold water! I know we are supposed to have at least 6-8 8oz glasses a day or more if we can. But goodness I feel like I am drowning if I do. But now they say that if you eat lots of fruits and veggies they count as part of your water?? Hey hey! Good thing. But still, I know I need to be drinking lots more water then I do. So I have been trying to make it more appealing, by putting it in a nice purple cup (since purple is my favorite color) b/c they say if you put it in a pretty cup you are more likely to drink it? Hmm well it doesn't always work for me, but maybe it does for you. Then I try adding a lemon slice to it, that is nice once in a while, or maybe some of that water enhancers that you can buy. So these are nice and do help, but I would much rather have a nice big ice cold soda. Since about a month ago, I have cut out all sodas, even diet ones b/c they are still full of not good things for our bodies. So I have been drinking coffee on occasion, un-sweet tea or with Splenda, and water. Trying to kick this I don't like water thing that is in my head to the curb.

So now it is your turn to comment below and tell me some of your struggles with your weight loss journey or a struggle with anything. I look forward to hear from you all.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Welcome Y'all

Hello and Welcome Everyone..

I never in my life thought that I would posting something on a blog... much less my own blog. Wow.. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my first of many excerpts of my life. You will be seeing things from some of my favorite bible verses, to learning about my weight loss journey to seeing some of my craftiness come to life.

First of all allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. I am just a simple southern gal, born and raised in the wonderful state of Arkansas. No no no we do not wear overalls and run around barefooted all the time. LOL :-) Maybe sometimes in the summer tho. Just kidding. I am married to the Love of my life Brian, now for 10 years, and we have a wonderful son name Braxton whom is 8 going on 20. You will learn more about these to special guys as we go on. I am 31 years old.. soon to be 32. Eeek! So not ready for that. I have had a weight problem pretty much my whole life, and I am a HUGE emotional eater. I have been back on Weight Watchers since around August of 2012 for my 3rd time around. This will be my final time to join I'm so determined to make it to my goal this time.  So far I have lost 16 lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot at all, but I have had some struggles along the way and didn't have my head on right and didn't have my determination like I needed to, but those days are over. Help me keep motivated! :-)

Let me share one of my many favorite verses with you today it is:

John 3:17 - For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Well I guess this is the ending of my first post. I can't wait to post with you all again. Have a wonderful very very Blessed Day!

In Christ,