Friday, April 12, 2013

To be an Inspiration??

Hello From the Natural State :-)


What a week we have had here, first of all I gained a pound in my WW weight in on Monday night, but like I have told some of my friends. I am very content with that, b/c I didn't stay on program like I needed to, and ate out more then I had planned and didn't have a plan when I went there. So 1 pound was way better then the 4 I had planned on gaining. This week I am just Praying for a much much better week. I have stayed on plan, exercised all but 1 day so far, and planning to exercise and stay on plan during the weekend too! So how is your week going???


What do you think of when you think of someone that is an inspiration? The word inspiration in the merriam-webster dictionary online says this:

Definition of INSPIRATION

1 a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation

b : the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

c : the act of influencing or suggesting opinions


Whoa!! Say what now?? That is way deep! To me to be an inspiration is to look up to and maybe admire someone for the way that they are, or things that they do, kinda like an encouragement. I know your probably all wondering why on earth am I discussing this topic with you all today.


Well just let me share this story with you. It all started yesterday at my Women Run/Walk Clinic that I go to on Tues and Thursday (Preparing for a 5K in May WhooHoo!!) well I am normally the last one done which means that I am the last to leave there which is fine with me I just do my thing as I told our Trainer yesterday. Lol. If you know me you know that I am over weight, but working on my weight loss journey, I am at that turning point in my life where I am trying to find me, and do what is best for me and have a healthy life and lifestyle and have that go over to my Son Little B. I don't want him to have to go thru all that I have in my life and my struggles with being "obese" its not worth it and I don't want it to rob him of his Childhood years.  So when a dear friend told me about this clinic and 5k. I was like okay, I will think about it, well it was on my mind a whole and who can turn down a free clinic with a trainer?? Yeah exactly. Plus if I was to have a bucket list I think finishing a 5K would be on it. This year I am just going to walk it, but maybe by next year I can run it, that will be my goal and a work in progress. So there was my motivation to start this clinic. Well we are well into half of the 10 week program. I have went Faithfully every week, except for 1 day when it was freezing and raining didn't want to take a chance on getting sick. There are other that walk and work out at the track too at the local University.


While I was walking my 3 miles yesterday I had noticed some runners and this one in particular I wanted to speak to and say Hi and let him know he was very inspiring to me, just watching how fast he was running and stuff was very cool to me. I was thinking that would be awesome to be able to do one day. So that kept triggering in my head, but I never got a chance to speak with him he was running normally when I would anywhere in his direction. So I just let it go. There was these two ladies that were walking also and had passed me going around one of my laps and I didn't think anything about it, just kept on doing my thing. Well I was down to my last lap and was finishing my 3rd mile and went over by the railing to stretch a little before heading home. I was saving my workout on my phone, and  here comes up these two ladies that I just spoke about and they startled me at first b/c I didn't know them, or what they wanted. So they say to me, "Hey we have been seeing you out here every time were here, and wanted to tell you that you are an Inspiration to us!" They went on to introduce themselves to me and stuff, and I was like Whoa!! Me?? I really think they have the wrong person. Lol. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't take compliments very well, I am nice and say Thank you and go on, but its a mental thing I guess who knows. After they had left and I went on to my house, I was just thinking about what they had told me. So I texted and shared this with some dear friends of mine, and my DH when I got home. They were all telling me the same thing and that I was an Inspiration to them as well. My sister C, she told me, "Awwww Sis that is so so awesome!!! I'm proud of you!! & you are really an inspiration to me!!", I was just in awe of that from her. It was just all confirmation from the Lord on things that I needed to know and be lifted up, and since I wasn't listening to Him he has used all these others to speak to me.


The Lord is just so amazing to me, and I don't deserve his Love, but I am oh so Thankful for it! I hope this has helped you in someway, maybe I was suppose to tell you this so you could tell someone that they are an inspiration to you? Has something similar happened to you before? Share it with me leave me a comment or a message I would love to hear it! I hope you have a wonderful oh so Blessed week and weekend!


In Christ!,






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