Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stuck in a Rut?

Hey Hey Hey Everyone!

Sorry its been a bit since I have written to you all. I like to write when I am feeling led to write, or when I have something on my mind. I guess you can say that I like to write when I feel it has a purpose.

Do you or have you had that Stuck in a Rut feeling? Well it seems like I have been there this past week. It was so bad, that I decided to skip my WW meeting yesterday. I know I know someone needs to slap my hand for not going, but I knew that I had gained and didn't wanna face reality. I haven't done well this week on program at all, and I didn't wanna go just wasn't in the mood. Have any of you ever been there or know what I am talking about?

So I made a pack with a dear friend and fellow WW buddy of mine, she to wasn't feeling it. So instead we both went and worked out. I went and walked and she went on to the gym, so I didn't go and eat myself silly and have self pity like I normally would. It was such a beautiful day to enjoy some walking too. So please don't think that I am quitting, or getting way off track b/c I am not at all. I assure you. That is the LAST thing that is on my mind. My WW buddy said it like this, we are just taking a Mental Health Day. A day to get out mind right, and back to our goals. I think everyone needs to have a day like that don't you?

So today being Tuesday I have tracked everything I have put in my mouth so far, and this afternoon I have my Women Run/Walk Clinic and plan on doing my 3 miles of walking. So see back on plan.

What I have been struggling most with is planning out my meals. I have joined/signed up for a couple WW meal plans thru some great websites and they do help a whole lot, but my struggle is finding the timed to get it all cooked and ready. Let me explain why and please do not think that I am whining b/c I am so not I love my life and my family and I wouldn't change it for the world, but it does become stressful at times. My sweet boy is now practicing baseball on Mondays and Thursdays, and we have Church on Sundays and Wednesdays and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my walk/run clinic. So by the time all that gets done on these days Its close to 9 or so when we get home leaving not much if any time to cook, and if so then it is just way to late. So I am trying to find a happy medium and still have time to have healthy things, but quick grab and go things and not have to resort to eating out daily, b/c that isn't good on the wallet or the waistline.  So I as venting to my WW buddy on groupme yesterday about this and she told me, go back to basics, have salad on hand, and cook up some chicken and have a veggie on the side. I was like well duh M!! Why didn't you think of that?? It was a obvious yet simple solution too. So I am trying that this week we shall see how it goes!

Also here is a current picture of me, I took this to be accountable and to look at this often b/c I will not, I repeat, I will not be going back to this EVER!! That is a promise. It took a whole lot of courage and guts to post this picture of me. I don't like full length pictures of me at all.. so this was a must do. Here it is.

So what are some of your struggles with this, or go to simple quick meals? I would love to hear from you don't be shy!!

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