Monday, July 1, 2013

Deepest Apologies!

Hello Fellow Followers,

I am so sorry that I went MIA on you. It wasn't my intent at all I assure you. Life has gotten a little chaotic I guess you could say. First it was getting the Little B out of school for the summer, then baseball and all the stuff that goes along with it, and then football came, and this past week music camp and also Vacation Bible School at our Church. Whew. I am whooped to say the least. 

Update:  I am still doing WW and on track, didn't have such a great week this week due to VBS, we had to eat there, and it wasn't always the healthiest, but I did try to do my best. Looking forward to getting back on track and to stay there and not have to deviate from it at all! Really struggling in the exercise side of things tho, I was doing so great upto the Women Run/Walk Clinic 5K, then after it seems like I have just given up. Not a good thing at all I know. Then the heat has been awful here to with the horrible humidity and not being use to it. This week it is so gorgeous and I am planning on walking almost everyday. This weight isn't going to come off by its self even though that would the most amazing thing in the world right? LOL We can only wish. 

Anyways, I do have a question. Do any of you do clean eating or watch for GMOs or have a plan where you are trying to go organic only? I am wanting to know what works best for you, there is so much in the foods and drinks that we have these days that it is so scary to me, I want to go healthy for my family and give them the most nutritional and healthy things that are possible. Please leave a comment and let me know what works for you and yours or maybe some tips on how to get the ball rolling in that direction of clean meals and foods. I am open to any and all advice on the subject. 

This is my promise to each of you, you will be hearing from me more frequently now that my life is slowing down a bit and I can breathe, I have missed writing to you. This helps me get things out of my head. Hope you all have a wonderful and very blessed Monday! 

In Christ,